Technology transfer

Technology transfer is an indicator of the transition from the academic world to industry. MAPS’s activities in this way include licensing and the creation of spin-offs. These are achieved through cooperation and the participation of professors and researchers in the projects illustrated here.


Between 2016 and 2018, and over the following years, MAPS has lodged seven patents.

Such innovation, output and knowledge transfer prove the department’s ability in this area. In particular, its inventions are in the fields of infectious diseases and zootechnics. Some were also achieved in collaboration with other institutions (public and private) with whom MAPS collaborated to share its skills and expertise.

Click here to find out more about UniPD’s inventions.

To collaborate with the department about an invention, please contact the office

Our patents:

  • Fast and not destructive effluents, animal ejections, biogas digestate analysis through predictive methods with data fusion predictive techniques from multiple sensors 
  • Method and apparatus of preparing a silage good and ensiling process
  • Method for the prediction of cross-protection between IBV bronchitis families
  • Response control method from livestock animals after the administration of food rations
  • Method to determine food rations for breeding animals
  • Detection method of ruminal motility in breeding animals
  • Method and tools for product analysis of breeding animal food

  Spin off

Spin-off companies reflect researchers’ business abilities, and MAPS has brought about two spin-offs: Grainit srl and Vetekipp.

Grainit focuses on the development, production and commercialization of quality analytical tools for food farming products.

Vetekipp, through the Vetmenu Programme and V-Integra, represent a means to formulate a balanced domestic diet for cats and dogs.

Click here to know more about Grainit srl

Click here to know more about Vetekipp

Click here to discover all of UniPD’s spin-offs