Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases Lab

The Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases Lab carries out a range of diagnostic activities to support education and research in the field. In particular, it studies diseases of animals that could spread to humans and have an impact on society and the economy.

The lab’s activities are done in collaboration with public and private institutions and they regard some fields of this study field. The main interests are the investigation, description and understanding of parasitic diseases in domestic and wild animals, both terrestrial and aquatic, transmitted by carriers.

The lab offers consultations regarding the control of the most common parasitic diseases and promotes the conscious and rational use of drugs, both in companion and in livestock animals. Its research studies principal parasitic haunting and diffusion in different animal populations, from both epidemiological and genetic points of view. It also studies the anti-helminth phenomenon.

Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases Lab staff

Scientific Expert and Manager: Prof. Giulia Simonato
Tel: +39 049 827 2969

Technical manager: Dr Cinzia Tessarin
Tel: +39 049 827 2970

Other professors and technicians

Prof. Rudi Cassini
Tel: +39 049 827 2777

Prof. Antonio Frangipane di Regalbono
Tel: +39 049 827 2969

Dr Federica Marcer
Tel: +39 049 827 2777

Dr Marika Grillini
Tel: +39 049 827 2970

Dr Giorgia Dotto
Tel: +39 049 827 2970

Tools used

  • 4 microscopi ottici
  • 1 stereomicroscopio
  • 3 centrifughe
  • 1 macchina fotografica
  • 1 cappa chimica
  • 2 termociclatori
  • 1 transilluminatore UV

How to bring samples to the lab

Please contact the lab for information on how to bring samples to the lab.

Lab hours

Mon to Fri: 08.30 - 16.00

For more information, please contact:

Laboratorio di Parassitologia e Malattie Parassitarie

Edificio Stecche – Stecca I, primo piano, Agripolis
Viale dell’Università 16
35020, Legnaro (PD)
Tel. +39 049 827 2970
