Reproduction Lab
The MAPS and Veterinarian Teaching Hospital (VTH) Reproduction Lab carries out clinical diagnostic services for pet, livestock and equine reproduction.
Its most important services concern reproductive hormone dosage (i.e. progesterone, testosterone, canine prostatic specific esterase) for livestock and in companion animals. The lab also develops and executes protocols consisting of assisted reproduction (feminine and masculine). Moreover, the reproduction lab represents the first step for the genetic conservation of endangered animal species.
There is a special relationship between the lab and the VTH Equine unit, which in 2020 obtained authorisation from the Veneto region to manage an equine fertilisation centre (Stazione di Fecondazione Equina) and to be a centre for seminal material production of equine species and delivery centre for seminal and embryonal equine species.
Tools used
- Strumento AIA 360 TOSOH dosaggio ormonale metodo FEIA (flourescence enzyme immuno assay)
- Cappa biologica a flusso laminare tipo II (bioair vesta1)
- Incubatore a CO2 Heraeus
- Incubatore a CO2 HERA CELL
- Stereo microscopio Nikon
- Microscopio rovesciato con micromanipolatore Nikon
- Microscopio ottico Olympus
- Bilancia analitica Adventurer (Ohaus)
- Forno o stufa a aria 2100 (Fratelli Galli)
- Speed Reader per dosaggio ormonale e CPSE (Virbac)
- Spettrofotometro MD1 per misura concentrazione spermatozoi (Minitube)
- Centrifuga da banco C60 (F.Assone)
Other professors and technicians
Prof. Antonio Mollo
Dr Donatella Gelli
Dr Maria Elena Falomo
Dr Chiara Milani
Dr Calogero Stelletta
Reproduction Lab staff
Scientific Expert and Manager: Prof. Stefano Romagnoli
Tel: +39 049 827 2948
Technical manager: Paolo Zucchini
How to bring samples to the lab
Please contact the lab for information on how to bring samples to the lab.
Lab hours
Mon, Wed, Fri: 8.00 - 14.00
Tue and Thu: 8.00 - 17.30
For more information, please contact:
OVUD – Ospedale Veterinario Universitario Didattico, Agripolis
Viale dell’Università 16
35020, Legnaro (PD)
Tel. +39 049 827 2613