Stalla 4.0: The sustainability of the dairy milk cowshed of the future: economical, environmental and social, for the emerging needs of the community
The project is financed from PSR Veneto 2014–2020 and stems from the collaboration of the MAPS department, through Professor Flaviana Gottardo, and the TESAF and DAFNAE departments, both located at the Agripolis Campus near to MAPS.
The project
The main aim of Stalla 4.0 is to increase the economical, environmental and social sustainability of dairy livestock companies in the Veneto region. Public opinion tends to look on how breeding systems work, placing particular attention on animal welfare and ground, air and water pollution. Dairy livestock companies were recently involved in an economic crisis, giving rise to the Stalla 4.0 project. The changing solution which was founded is the realisation of a managerial tool named SMART, which serves as a smartphone app to detect, analyse and estimate the economic, environmental and animal welfare work carried out in real time. This information will be developed and shared through a hub where there is a two-way flow (from e to the hub) necessary to company benchmarking evaluations.
Stalla 4.0 respects the PEI aims as the promotion of competitiveness, the reduction of emissions, the climatic resiliency in the dairy zootechnic branch. All of these can be reached through the following:
- Improving breeding systems
- Working in harmony with society’s expectations for the health of natural resources and animal welfare standards