About the Summer School
The aim of this Summer School is to offer a variety of lectures regarding meat science, from the production to the consumption
This Summer School programme focuses on the most relevant aspects of farming meat producing animals, meat quality, meat safety and human nutrition in order to understand how they are related, how they affect human health through dietary habits, and their impact on food security
The Summer School will be held in Agripolis Campus
An intensive programme of lectures is offered and 6 CFU/ECTS will be given to attendees who pass the final test
The Summer School is co-funded by University of Padova, MAPS Department and Erasmus+ Programme
The speakers are academics from the Universities of Padova, Firenze, Ghent, Helsinki, Bangkok, Stellenbosch, and Toulouse, representatives of the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) and of South African Agricultural Research Council (ARC Animal Production Institute)
The Summer School will conclude with a field trip which has been organised to visit an Italian processed meat factory